Prestige Triumphant General Darius tile

Prestige Triumphant General Darius

  • newEffectsNew Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceBase Voice
  • newQuotesBase Quotes

Only when the smoke has cooled to ash and the blood on his axe has dried does Darius know that victory is secured. It is time to return home. Pomp and circumstance are hardly what Darius fights for—he finds them tedious—but every face in that crowd is a kinsman. He fights for his nation, and these people? These people are Noxus.

Release dateUpcoming skin
UniversesAges of Runeterra
SkinlinesGrand Reckoning
Splash artistTerence 'Terrylefruit' Cantal
Prestige Triumphant General Darius splash

