King Viego tile

King Viego

King Viego splash
  • newEffectsNew Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceBase Voice
  • newQuotesBase Quotes

The heir of Camavor, wielder of the Blade of the King, Viego longs to follow in his father's footsteps. To his advisor Kalista, his doubts were clear long before his coronation, as whispers of the sword's bond echoed throughout the Sanctum of Judgement. But he wears the Argent Crown, and with his blade, Sanctity, Viego will strike fear into the enemies of his nation.

Release date2022-09-09 (2 years ago)
Price1350 RP
UniverseAges of Runeterra
Splash artistFrancis Tneh, West Studio

