La Ilusión Gnar
- New Effects
- New Recall
- New Animations
- Base Voice
- Base Quotes
Abandoned to the streets, Gnar spent years scraping by, snarling at his misfortune, until he was found by a gentle orphaned girl. What started as simple gifts of food blossomed into a loving friendship, only for Gnar to suddenly fall ill and pass. Because of their familial love, Gnar now returns as an Eidola Vida, ready to protect his family from danger.
Champion | Gnar |
Release date | 2023-09-27 (a year ago) |
Rarity | Epic |
Price | 1350 RP |
Universes | Sueño de Vida |
Skinlines | La Ilusión |
Splash artist | Terence 'Terrylefruit' Cantal |