Spirit Blossom Sett tile

Spirit Blossom Sett

Spirit Blossom Sett splash
  • newEffectsNew Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceNew Voice
  • newQuotesBase Quotes

Some guide the dead down the path; others tempt them from it. Another still has no allegiances, as his spirit lies in conflict with itself. Born from Kanmei and Akana, Sett lived harmoniously until, abandoned by his father, he sought retribution. Now he can only catch whispers of salvation as he spends his days challenging slain warriors, testing their worth.

Release date2022-10-06 (2 years ago)
Price1820 RP
UniverseSpirit Blossom
SkinlineSpirit Blossom
Splash artistMarie Magny, West Studio

