Spirit Blossom Master Yi tile

Spirit Blossom Master Yi

  • newEffectsNew Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceBase Voice
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Legends speak of Master Yi, a swordsman who took but one student in his lifetime. After an unceremonious betrayal, Yi perished—not from a blade, but from a broken heart. Now the Spirit of Legacy roams the spirit world, searching for a pupil. He is lost, anyone that joins him destined to face the same fate.

ChampionMaster Yi
Release date2022-10-06 (2 years ago)
Price1350 RP
UniversesSpirit Blossom
SkinlinesSpirit Blossom
Splash artistAlsie Lau, West Studio
Spirit Blossom Master Yi splash

