Secret Agent Xin Zhao tile

Secret Agent Xin Zhao

  • newEffectsBase Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceBase Voice
  • newQuotesBase Quotes

Most people who come into contact with Xin Zhao have a gap in their memory where the encounter once was. This is probably for the best as most encounters he's involved in tend to include close encounters of the third kind, protecting civilians against terrifying extraterrestrial invaders, or evading aggressive UFO dive bombers.

ChampionXin Zhao
Release date2015-03-16 (10 years ago)
Price975 RP
UniversesThe Grind
SkinlinesCops and Robbers
Splash artistSixmorevodka Studio
Secret Agent Xin Zhao splash
