Faerie Queen Karma tile

Faerie Queen Karma

  • newEffectsNew Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceNew Voice
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All hail Her Majesty, Karma, Queen of the Seelie Court of Light and Beauty! Though her selection and subsequent rise to the throne was a surprise to everyone (nobles, laymen, even Karma herself), she is a beacon of poise and power, overseeing the turning of seasons and keeping the balance between the ever-bickering seasonal sub-courts. Long live the Queen!

Release date2023-03-23 (2 years ago)
Price1820 RP
UniversesWinged Reign
SkinlinesFaerie Court
Splash artistJulia Yurtsev
Faerie Queen Karma splash

