Cyber Halo Janna tile

Cyber Halo Janna

Cyber Halo Janna splash
  • newEffectsNew Effects
  • newRecallNew Recall
  • newAnimationsNew Animations
  • newVoiceBase Voice
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An experiment from RSM's R&D division, Janna is the only successful use of an android to pilot an exosuit in history. Perhaps it's because she looks so human that most forget the gusts of “wind“ she commands are actually a fleet of nanobots connected directly to both the X09-Zephyr as well as her central processing core.

Release date2022-08-25 (2 years ago)
Price1350 RP
UniverseIron Firmament
SkinlineSteel Valkyries
Splash artistJack Hsu, West Studio

